Last Night's Transit

When I was in high school, my mother and I used to drive from Seattle to Santa Barbara a couple times a year. We'd stop for the night in Shasta at the Tree House Best Western where they had a pool and a ping pong table. We sometimes ate at the Round Table Pizza in the strip mall. Our ping pong games were epic battles played in super slo-mo. I can only admit that I think perhaps my mother has a few games over me in the over-all tally. I'd take a dip in the pool. One time I had a dream where some secret agents were coming through the windows for me. I bolted out of our room and down the hall fast, waking up hiding behind a vending machine. I nearly knocked on a door three rooms down when my mother poked her startled head out and asked what I was doing. I am glad I didn't knock on that wrong door in my tighty-whities.

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