Havemeyer & Broadway, Brooklyn

Sometimes it's right to shut up and listen just like it's right to put down the camera and watch. Like my father, I tend to hold my breath. My head tilts slightly forward. Gabe once said that I walk like I am trying to hear something, one shoulder down, neck crooked slightly to one ear. He also said, after a particularly fun Santa Claus summer session, over tacos at Super Rica, that I have a surfing style all my own. I don't know if that style still exists, I surf a lot less now, or if it was something to really hold on to in the first place, could have been pretty goofy looking, but I still put that as a top ten compliment, tucked away, scribbled on someone's business card in my cognitive filofax.


kelvin freely said...

that's a really brilliant point. Those casual compliments over tacos or celery sticks that resonate for the rest of our lives. What a fun and slightly humiliating list to write down. good idea

Toddy said...

Like the time Ryan Kitson said I look like the spawn of Zach Brampf and Indiana Jones (probably Crystal Skull Indiana Jones.)

Jack said...

Considering how rarely you surf, I am always pleasantly surprised by your surfing style. You stand straight like the trunk of a sturdy tree and your head drops a little toward your chest, a little like Richard Nixon.

Anonymous said...

This blog is a goldmine.