Baruch Houses, Manhattan

When I was in junior high, my cousin married a girl from Mexico City. Minutes before my mother and I were supposed to leave for the ceremony a couple pretty girls from class called and said they wanted to come over and hang out. I immediately declared that I wasn't going to the wedding, and when my mother rightly put the kibosh on that proposition, I actually burst into tears. I remember seeing the girls walking up my street as we drove away in our Chrysler minivan, my face puffy from screaming. The wedding turned out to be a super interesting Mexican Catholic fiesta affair with the bride's whole family showing up from south of the border. The reception afterward was a wash of Mexican cousins running around enjoying themselves. I sulked in the corner the whole time.
Adolescence is funny.

1 comment:

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

That so captures teen youth. Of course the pretty girls coming over was more important than your cousin's wedding!