Its always hard to tell when the transitional times were. What delineates one era from another?
This was during the period when Edvige and Julie Jo would show up as kind of George Sand meets Pharrell Williams by way of Grace Jones fashion queens. They would walk into the party and people would just turn, stare and keep staring.
The night before, Marina and I would be hanging out in Jess' store looking at her clothes and talking about nothing and we'd mention a party coming up and she'd call Tina who'd be sitting there next to Piper and they'd all throw their hats into the ring. Piper and Tina were still living in the LES before Piper started getting her post-starlet gigs going, Shanti left us and Tina brought her breath of fresh air attitude to Brooklyn.
All long prior to the boy as even glimmer in the eye, and Jack the Pelican was still the default party and people were still around and up for a late, lost night.
Its funny, I don't feel old.
who is piper again? I think we went to that LES apt. once and I met some dude who kind of couldn't believe I didn't know who Piper was. As if she was supposed to be the next incarnation of Steve Gutenberg.
You never could pass up a reference to the Guten-man.
so what was piper's last name. I'll IMDB her and see if she is doing anything noteworthy.
Dude, please don't bother her. She is doing pretty well, and she doesn't need some goon like you doing whatever it is you just said you'd do to her.
What is that anyways?
If its really sick, I don't want to know.
IMDB is the internet movie database. It just tells me what movies she has been in and is working on.
It is also a sort of dirty sanchez in the entertainment biz.
tina said it was cool.
speaking of "the Gutt"
i thought i'd share
I miss "Gute News", Guttenberg was the town mayor. Now it's Gavin MacLeod, kinda makes me wish I still lived in the PP.
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