There used to be a big posting board on Bedford right next to where Matamoros used to be. It was the place you would look for a roommate, find a guitar teacher or idle away the minutes watching lost kitties. Matamoros closed apparently, far more devastating a loss than the vacancy of that margarita swilling ogler's paradise Vera Cruz, a local hangout I never much warmed to. Although I never much warm to anything that happens in that specific locale, I do miss the long walk home once past North Third when the chances of seeing someone who looked so startlingly like myself were so very slim.
Did you go to the bath place on Saturday?
$1,200 for a "studio" dump hole off the Montrose stop. I think the times were a' chang'n like
$600 dollars ago. Not so much because that exists but because you know someone is going to take that crap. Vera Cruz was pre-most latin based food choices in the burg. Not bad for a quick fix. The drinks were good too. That was back when the only way my friend Cristina could live on South 3rd was because she is Mexican.
That was at the time when I just didn't eat Mexican food in New York or else I was Mr. Complainalot and thusly rendered insufferable to even myself. The situation is much better now, but I could never accept the food at Vera Cruz.
I miss The Verb being the last thing before Little San Juan. I really do.
I realize this blog has the distinct possibility, probability even, given the confines and nature of the practice, to turn into something of a nostalgic ah-the-old-times-were-better-ooh-how-I-pine-for-those-old-years kind of heap of crud. Maybe I have already crossed that line.
I am trying to keep it on track though.
Even if the first thing that pops into my head is often "remember when. . ."
The "remember when..." is hard to resist, I agree. With photos from past times though, you pretty much can't avoid it. Sometimes I'll have my camera out on the way to work in the morning, thinking that I'll get a current photo to post and say something about, but then the whole thing becomes too premeditated.
hey todd, when did you become such a pussy?
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