Mikey used to peddle his wares on a blanket across the street from this perch. DV tapes, blank CDs and wires of different sorts. After a year or so he built a little kiosk in the mall behind that seat. His merchandise expanded to include more DV tapes, more blank CDs and more wires. A year or so later, he moved into a storefront directly to the right of the kiosk and added computers, headphones and other techie equipment. He brought in a ping pong table and some old arcade games. After Isa shuttered his weird smelling shop, Mikey picked up the operation and moved it all a block and a half down to that space and brought in all sorts of new do-dads and some more musical equipment. Then he opened a second store a little bit deeper down the L line. Mikey's Hook Up is now the undisputed provider for all things digital in the neighborhood. You might be tempted to think that this was all the plucky gumption of a true American entrepreneur. Maybe. Except he was once the bassist for a popular California ska/punk band and he used to live with the princess from the Never Ending Story. If these experiences don't set you on a golden path to owning your own digital hardware services shop, I don't know what does.
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