The photos are from Kanae's teppanyaki holiday dinner she made for us this year. Mathieu brought beer. Marina supplied the bubbly wine and I fashioned that tin star. Kevin is on a boat somewhere and many of our best people have moved out of New York back to the Left Coast in the last two years. Many have stayed. Many I am just meeting.
Big Dan and I were sharing our final beer of 2007 together on Thursday night, talking about books and authors and writing. He is writing an obituary right now for a man who hasn't died yet. A very old Hungarian architect. Obituaries seem incredibly hard to write. The thought took me that perhaps this blog is a little bit of an obituary. Not to be so bleak really, but isn't that what is happening here? Someone is just detailing some particulars. Maybe its something else. An open letter either way. These are funny times.
Happy new year to you, observer.
Last week I was trying to find info on the NY Times website. I checked for my name and found that I had died one week within my birthday this past year.
I found the "rememberance". I was so young, so much life ahead of me.
That picture of Matthew looks like it could be a junior highschool scene. He looks a really happy but kind of awkward - all smiley with the cute girls
hang'n on him.
if only you had a polaroid of me. i want to to write my obituary.
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