Tuna sandwiches are my favorite sandwiches. Its the mutability factor I think. You can add any number of elements to a tuna fish mixture to dazzling effect. Capers, jalapeños, spicy mustard, wasabi, black pepper, sesame seeds, cayenne pepper, curry, vinegar.
I am not a fan of celery so that has never been enticing. I also steer clear of watermelon.
At the Subway sandwich place on Lafayette I order a tuna fish sandwich on wheat with tomatoes, onions, cucumber, green peppers, jalapeño peppers, black olives, lettuce, vinegar and black pepper (no cheese.) This gets the Subway guy's eyes rolling but man, is that a delicious cheap sandwich. Over at Despaña on Broome they make a tuna sandwich with sardines piled on top. That is a little like having a tuna sandwich with some Kalles Kaviar mixed in. Melampo, the Italian sandwich place on Sullivan doesn't have tuna fish but that guy makes such a perfect meat sandwich I have to mention it.
still talking about that subway tuna sandwich, eh? That makes me happy.
Baja is violently windy and we are getting blown around like its no ones business. This little ship is like a cork on rough seas and it is hard to sleep when the water is pounding the hull. But the ice cream is so good down here it's hard to complain.
Sometimes I just put tuna straight from the can on a bagel with a few slices of cucumber, salt and pepper.
Seeing that picture of that kid reminds me that when I was young I didn't even know tuna was a fish.
I thought it was casserole or some sort, a mystery
mix. Then again, white bread was foreign to me.
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