Subway CoffeeI was never a huge fan of Michael Jackson. I still am not totally sure what the big deal was. And I am apparently old enough to be of the generation that is supposed to. I did lip sync Weird Al Yankvic's "Eat It" in front of my fourth grade class though. I wore a floppy leather hat. I think Aaron Rimmer played faux-keys. I think there is a vigil up in Union Square tonight.
perhaps one of your soiled and abandoned single glove photos would have worked better with the text.
perhaps, perhaps.
the smug double perhaps. you're an asshole, you know that.
At the office this morning we have been watching old Michael Jackson videos and something Irvin said last night struck a chord. "He never should have left Quincy Jones."
I agree with that--although the smooth criminal era still had some gusto.
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