Women are more in touch with their feelings. There are few things as ingrained in our understanding of the universe as the emotive differences between men and women. Besides a massive over-generalization and a gross over-simplification in its own right, it is a misplaced observation. Granted, the whole deal turns out to be bunk anyhow, and even within its own narrow walls the assumption is ridiculously off the mark, but the general turning of the cultural wheel on this point does nothing but harm the natural parity. No one says women and men have unequal amounts of emotions from which to pick, rather it is the process of being in touch that draws the comparison. The thing is, that process of being in touch with emotions is dependent, entirely, on the emotions themselves. There is never a point at which the emotion is far enough away to actually reach out and touch. Instead, the emotion, like some sort of cerebral air, surrounds the mental hand reaching out to pluck some bit of particular nothing from the airy emo-void. That said nothingness is then crafted into some little cipherous sculpture and finally presented to the world as a sort of magical pseudo something.
The whole thing is absurd.
The whole thing is absurd.
Interesting point. Being in touch with emotions versus the actual emotional quantity. I suppose you could say there is a Toucher--some mechanism that is propped up by cultural influence, like holding back your tears. The "holding back your tears muscle." But just saying that reveals the absurd humor. Nonetheless I think it is true. Men have a stronger holding back your tears muscle. They also tend to have stronger quadriceps. So it isn't really a point worth making.
and again, a really wonderful photo.
Heh, holding back the tears muscle. That fits. But have you ever been in labor? No neither have I. but I've watched it first hand. Boy oh boy are women in labor tough. That really hasn't anything to do with this, but its always fun to point out.
Anyhow, our brains are so fulled up with emotion that the "being in touch with" part is simply taking some of that emotive stuff and molding it into whatever form other emotive stuff tells you to mold it into. And this process is held up as some sort of dynamic positive? I really think its all a ruse. Not to say that women aren't smarter.
That's a whole nother issue.
it's true. the emotion exists and registers. there isn't really a "bill becomes a law" sort of process where a governing body has to vote and then await potential veto by the executive. But there ARE pork barrel riders that come along with that emotion. And then when you bring up intelligence, well why even go there?
I don't know. Seems to be in the same genre of stupid statements.
oops, that was me, not Marina.
But you knew that. I think she has commented on this blog, maybe once.
Whatever you do, please don't begin the discussion on this blog (or any other)about different types of intelligence. Did I just start this discussion by asking that it not be discussed? Let's talk about it.
Horse sense or horse shit.
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