The Morning is Your Lover, New York

There is always something else to do, somewhere else to go. This is the conceit that fuels optimism. It is a perspective, a gift, granted by place and time. It is good to understand that sheer optimism is not success in itself, the same way it is good to remind oneself that anger isn't a symptom of certitude. At the same time, it is the height of foolishness to forsake an optimistic outlook for rote intellectualism.


kelvin freely said...

what a morning in NY. Did it rain last night and then get all sunny?

Toddy said...

Nah, just cold and a little windy. Cleaned everything out.

Toddy said...

Rained a couple days ago tho. Hmm.

kelvin freely said...

beautiful photo. I assume you took that from the train this morning.

Toddy said...
