Hach Sameach, Easter at Our House

The cunning employed by contemporary capitalists to whip up brand new charmingly packaged archaic processes of doing modern-day crafts with matching (perfectly priced) utensils will never fail to amaze. Color powder in cozy envelopes. Wood handled copper wired wax dripping instruments. Organically colored wax for the dripping. Easter eggs have never been so extremely enchanting by way of decoration. Except that one time Jack and I got real drunk on 40s of Bud Light and blew out and hand painted three dozen eggs. That had its own charms.

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Jack said...

If only we had time to finish sewing our tunics.

Toddy said...

OH YEAH! Wow, I totally forgot the tunics. Boy, were we gay.

Handy said...

Hag Sameach, my christian friend!
In France, they call passover The Jewish Easter

Hows that for a reversal. backward frogs!

Toddy said...

Marina would like me to point you to Wikipedia for a little francophilic retort.
Apparently "Eostre" is a Germano/Pagan word. The romantic languages, like French, Portuguese, Italian etc. take their word for Easter from the Hebrew root Pesach.
They don't know what they know, apparently.


Toddy said...

And I swear to the Holy Ghost if you call me 'christian' one more time I'll spit.

Toddy said...

Marina says to just call me gentile.
(I think at this rate she ought to start commenting.)
(Or start her own blog.)

kelvin freely said...

shut up, boney foot!