Luke, Table, Marina, Début du Cycle.

The very first job I ever had in New York I met Oprah Winfrey. It was a temp agency sort and the company asked me to stay on permanently. My New York aspirations did not include the title "receptionist." The second job was as a night apprentice to a famous editor in Soho. My third job was down at the Right Bank bartending and serving brunches. Thats a funny story. Mostly because I am not a big drinker and had never bartended before. That second job, the apprentice editor one, is where I picked up that table. They needed to get rid of it so I carried it home on the subway.
Eventually the elements took their toll and I had to make reinforcements with such amounts of screws and splints that the table started to lean and sway like an abandoned house along the highway.


soapy t said...

not a big drinker? the only i have seen you in the past 2 year you were hammered, totally hammer timed. i too love free booze, but sweet baby jesus, you were winning.

Anonymous said...

Oh, things are different now, sure. . .

Anonymous said...

ya. i was JUST going to say the same thing. it's so cute that you think your're not a big drinker!

you're adorable!

kelvin freely said...

todd's brother call him boris yeltsin because he's such a booze hound.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Little Yelstin.