The years slip through our fingers. Sometimes not as fast as we'd like.
Here is Dave Chung. Here we are T.V. cameramen together. We drink sugary fruit drinks and eat cinnamon toast in the morning, drink beer and eat burritos at night.
I have not been back to San Francisco since I climbed into that fiery yellow Rider truck under that broad blue sky eight years ago. That last day I looked up at our Almond Rocha apartment building on Valencia one last time and someone from a red convertible burned a bundle of white sage. We drove out of that city better people than when we drove in.
i want to burn sage in my vagina
Not much to do with the recent blog entry but I just thought of you because of something in the news.
I just heard on NPR that Polaroid is going to discontinue production of instant film.
Buy it up now!
i want to burn polaroids of my vagina
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