Thats my stove, but I don't own a wok like that. Those look like shrimp, but I don't eat shrimp very often. In fact shrimp has never been one of my favorites. Lobster is out too. There is a whole set of people one meets who salivate over lobster. I am not one of them. I'll take a pass on watermelon as well. And celery. A kid in Mrs. Quine's first grade class vomited up what must have been an all celery lunch one day in elementary school and ever since, celery has been out of the question. Shrimp always seemed so wimpy to me. I am pretty sure there is not pun intended there. Same thing with lobster. Give me a hearty dungeness crab over a bug. Unless you dove for the bug yourself. Then damn! yeah I'll eat that! Maybe those are kidney beans or little baby fingers, but I am still confused about that wok.
what's the difference between a mussel and a korean hit by a car?
A muscle is a mollusk
and a the other is a crustacean.
I think crustaceans are gross. Crab, lobster, shrimp. Shrimp harvest, be it fished or farmed, is probably the most destructive food gathering on the planet. Worse than cattle, salmon farms, and american corn. A lot of people don't realize that barnacles are crustaceans. They are. And it trips me the fuck out too.
Jeez, you are high on your horse.
There are many ways to hunt crabs.
I have used box pot, pyramid pots and a rickety wooden row boat in the fjords to name a few.
Oh yeah, and dynamite.
This is becoming kind of a blog about a conversation between you and me.
I wish I had more asian readers so that your joke could be taken the wrong way.
If there is a wrong way to take that joke.
I'll stop commenting. Sorry about that.
Let's just stick to phone and the occasional email.
good bye
god damn you.
Long time listener, first time caller.
I hope Kelvin keeps it up.
"it's not so much the spinning as the back and forth"
I spaketh those words myself.
Would someone please notice the genius that is Mitzi Dodge?
I hate to say it man, but I think those are maggots.
I'm fearful of most bottom feeders too - especially lobster. Giant red roaches! I do like mussels though.
Last time I had them was at Dumont I think. Mostly I get the Dumont burger - awesome!
Hope this doesn't make you barf but I used to LOVE celery with peanut butter spread on it. Afterwards you need a glass of milk and some toothpicks.
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