Recently I went to the Russian baths with Elliot. He is an interesting guy to have a conversation with. That is to say, I always like sitting next to him at any function and having a talk, be it the seder meal or at the stinky hot house, he is full of energy and a willing tongue. I am thankful to have such people in my life.
The internet world wide web phenomena has so many positive notes. Democratization of information distribution and a great currency of communication being chief among the pluses. But there are some obvious pitfalls. Back in the days when people thought big thoughts and, ostensibly, those big thoughts were thought about with significant purchase, writers and academics, politicians and theorists had time to think. They could write a letter, wait for a response and write a retort and a span of, say, six weeks would not be unthinkable for the process to evolve. Certainly big thoughts were conceived in less time, and equally bigger thoughts often took much longer in correspondence. This is to point out the obvious: we don't give ourselves or each other enough time to think through our positions. Granted, someday our children's children will have an intellect that can keep up with the speed that communication is at right now, but by then even they will probably be behind their own technology.
We take quick wit to be our meter, when slow thoughtfulness has fallen by the side. It is of course, slow thoughtfulness that actually propels things. Tactics are necessary in sport and open war, strategy is necessary in everything else.
I think I have just, spontaneously, damned this blog to an even greater inconsequence than I had heretofore assumed.
Also, my scanner just broke.
solution to broken scanner. Go back and republish your very early photos.
and write new stuff about them.
or just take a photo with your elph.
or just write.
or just tell her that . . .
Yep, that second suggestion seems to be the ticket.
I don't want to buy a new scanner right now and my digital camera will work for a while.
Unfortunate for the archival process though.
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