I wrote something else for this blog, but then I decided I ought to write something about 9/11.
My mother was born on 9/11 a number of decades ago. Despite being in Manhattan on that crazy day six years ago, my mother's birthday is way more important. To me anyhow.
Happy birthday, Mom.
I called Casson from the gym inbetween the two plane hits. I was on the stairmaster watching ewarly morning news. I will never forget that day. I thought it was a drunken pilot a la John Denver. He said, "Hello?" I said "World Trade Center." He told me that I wasn't funny, and explained to me the state of things.
Despite the national tragedy, I managed to have a pretty good day on 9/11/01. I got a little worried that we might get bombed or something, and I sure didn't trust the air quality but it really wasn't that bad. Sometimes I feel guilty for not acting more morose. oh well . . . it's just my fucked up disposition.
I remember a major uncomprehension on our part about the seriousness of the situation that day. It was an interesting moment, not only in history but in the flow of our lives. Like we were a microcosm of the ignorance that was the bliss of being American, we were unaware of the implications of the situation and inexperienced enough to not care for the moment. That all got turned on its head pretty quickly of course. Whats sadder is the subsequent actions of our government. What a bunch of bozos from reaction one.
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