This was taken on November 21st 1998 in San Francisco, CA. I know so because I wrote it on the back of the picture. I can't figure whether I wish I had dated all my Polaroids or whether I like the fuzzy recollection of my addled memory. Probably the latter.
At this time my wife was holding down two or three jobs and going to graduate school. I had a job at a television production studio running the teleprompter and I had nothing to do after work. Heather and my wife worked together and we would all get together and have fun sometimes. Besides being really pretty and uncommonly bright, Heather stays in my mind for having a series of one night stands with Leonard Cohen. I remember listening to the voice messages he would leave her. Funny to be so close to a literary hero in such an unexpected way. Or maybe with him that is expected.
And how does that all fit in with Buddhism? It doesn't matter, they would say.
Oh yeah, and go look at the "Representation" link in the ¡Vaya! section. Then go to the reception slide show for August.
Then go to photo 15.
Casson and Anna are the best.
¡Viva Gallery Ocho!
I really liked this girl after I found out about the Leonard Cohen thing.
And, great looking photos at Ocho bro!
thanks bro.
Wow. I just watched the new OK-Oh videos. Really good Sonny. I'm inspired to finish some of the things I've been working on.
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