Someone always says "you don't choose your family." Thats pretty true, yeah, and having your godparents chosen for you is no better, I guess, but maybe it is a little better. And it opens up the whole official family structure to include people who aren't related by blood. Thats a big plus.
in 1994 todd and I got tattoos at dermagraphics in Bellevue, Washington.
His was ornate enough to endure. Mine was a stupid cartoon new agey thing. It is hilarious and humiliating.
On Tuesday, Aug 7, 2007 I am starting a process to get that stupid ass tattoo off of my leg.
I'll take some pictures so Miel can see when he grows up.
Why don't you just get it covered up with a big knot of barbed wire?
I have that little fiji guy still. and I have those goofy hawaiian flowers. and whats the worst, I still have that damn igthoos.
I am thinking some spikey vines would cover that up with super awesomeness.
Hey guy, I don't know if that was 1994.
Wasn't it 1993 or 92?
I know I got that little fiji guy in 92... well, at least I think I know.
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