I really like dogs. While I do not dislike cats, I would prefer, if given the stark choice, to spend my time with a dog. Cats are charming though. Cats are slightly duplicitous and that is a trait highly underrated. Also underrated, I think from afar, is owning a goat. If I owned a goat, two goats, their names would be Blackie and Whitey. If I owned a third goat his name would be Ernest Borgnine. If my chihuahua owned a goat, its name would be Emma. My son loves dogs and this makes my heart warm. He makes that spastic hyperventilation noise when a dog comes close and his eyes get wide and he tries to hug the dog. My wife mentioned to me that we ought to keep an eye on him, as dogs sometimes get a little pent up when children lunge at them. I agree, but we have to watch out with that too. I don't want my kid to have the same kind of relationship with dogs that his godfather has.
Speaking of animals, what are the chances of you and I going in together on a Panther? I'd like to have a live mascot if we get the chance to play football again. On second thought, I think I read somewhere that they aren't recommended around children...
Any day you get a Dave Huff comment is a damn good day.
I was looking at a house the other day and the owner had these kind of barky rotweilers out back. But there was a doggie door in the basement that I didn't know about. It startled me and I wasn't expecting it. I immediately discharged the smell of fear and it gnashed its teeth. crap. what do you do then? My real estate agent called them out back in kind of a miracle of timing. I confessed to my real estate agent that they had scared me a bit, that I wasn't sure what my next move would be. She assured me they were warm and harmless. Moments later we were checking out the garage and one of the rotweilers snapped at her through the fence. She dropped the keys and was scared to pick them up right away because the dog was clearly CRAZY! I felt so thankful that it wasn't just me. That my dog loving real estate agent--k9 communion that she has--had mutual transgression. Some dogs just need to be put down.
The godfather sounds like a badass from the old school
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