There is this art movement in a post-hippie, quasi-Japanese, Joseph Campbellian vein that manifests itself as a closed circuit, coherent set type world inhabited by a host of creatures and avatars. They are less interactive with each other in the classic mythology sense as they are a kind of totem for the rights and wrongs of the society we live in. I have noticed this movement more and more and it generally takes its cue from anime and the graffiti alter-ego culture. The tattoo artist I see has a totemic mythology like this and I have seen others pop up here and there at art shows and craft fairs I go to.
Not that I go to craft fairs that often or anything.
The bartender is hot.
I know, she has huge sex appeal.
And that was not sarcastic.
She showed up to a poker game I was at once as I was leaving and I cracked up she was so overpowering.
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