Culture Shifts Quietly, Slowly.

In every generation there is a window of time in which grandparents die. For my generation, that time is now.
There is a tremendous shift when grandparents die. The passing of values is never so poignant, so insistent.
This works on a cultural level. People my age are watching as our symbolic and iconic grandparents pass away, not just the literal parents of our parents. Those who set up the systems that we culturally work within, along with those from whom we have taken our most respected familial cues, are dying off. An important source of perspective lost to memory.
It is an interesting time of chaos and rebuttal.
I can see it affecting many people around me.
It is affecting me in strange ways.

1 comment:

Kris said...

I had no idea this blog is a year old. I'm very pleased to have 11 months of it to catch up on.