Rainy April Late Night Retribution, Brooklyn

"I see you've become the you I first met."
Hard to stomach that one. Too much kindness, too much to chew on. Well, maybe it's easy to stomach that one. Tonight it is obvious that we do not hear what we want to hear, as the old cliché goes. Rather, we simply hear what we hear. We have no more choice in the matter than an egg. I think that is something to remember. And forgive.


Anna E. Bush said...

Really great photos.

Handy said...

an egg?

Toddy said...

Thanks Anna, I'll be seeing you soon!
Yeah Danny. An egg. Not totally sure where that came from, but I won't look that pony's molars, if you get my drift.

kelvin freely said...

who said that? "You've become the you I first met?" It is a gross turn of phrase. Kindles ideas of regression and/or a return to form. Like Gilbert Arenas out breaking ankles on the hardwood. But the phrasing is very Kenny G.

The egg metaphor works for me. Imagine a stupid egg just sitting there. Tilt the plane and away it goes.

Toddy said...

I think it's brilliant. The idea that when you first meet someone, you get some sort of distilled idea of who they are. Best foot forward on one part, romanticized observations by the other. It is not a regression, rather, it is a sort of fulfillment of possible form, a fulfillment of a promise whispered at a time when promises can be whispered and not meant. I like that.

kelvin freely said...

oh well sure when you put it like that well then okay but I mean you were always yeah I mean I hate to backpedal but it seems to me that um it kind of . . .