My life will inevitably be filled with disproportionate success, grand failure, deserved comeuppance and unmerited windfall. These things are surprisingly easy to accept. But I can't figure out when it is that I perceive things best. In the evening before bed, when the world is against me? In the middle of the night as I lie awake, when I am against myself? Or in the morning, when opposition seems far away?
I think it's after you've had Jamseon, or after a game of soccer. Same effect.
Oh right. Then. Make mine Dewars.
I didn't know you drank Scotch.
That's a whole different effect scenario.
Is it?
I always figured the Irish Whiskey and the Scotch did just about the same thing to me.
Either way, I am lost at see.
Maybe I ought to jettison the think tank altogether.
What? I don't know what I'd do if that were to happen.
Scotch makes me more relaxed than whiskey, but that's probably just because of its taste.
Ok, I HAVE to turn off email notification on this comment thing.
It's just killing my work flow.
Man, my taste buds are so untrained.
The idea that my objective observation of reality might be at the height of clarity after a couple scotchs is messing with me a bit. Most as I can't figure whether the pursuit of truth will do good or ill to my face. Will my nose become even more grotesquely bulbous through drink? Or would it perhaps become pleasingly flatter through all the inevitable bar fights?
Hard to say. One thing's for certain, we need to go have a drink Big Dan.
I'm not sure if that karate clarity comes routinely for me. But when it does, it is striking. Whereas with you, it comes in the morning.
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