Outrage is a default mode for many. If there is not some sense of outrage something is amiss. It's actually a sort of addiction. Whatever brainy chemicals are spilt during an emotive outpouring of righteous indignation are a collective opiate which soothes an otherwise unsure mind. As the mind is nearly always unsure, that little personal heroin can be accessed in a frighteningly efficient manner. It's enough to make one want to curl up in a darker corner and wait it out, trying craftily to dodge falling prey of one's own needless opposition.
toddy, I love how the pylons in front of the barge look exactly like the project towers in Manhattan beyond.
As for outrage and consternation, I work with someone for whom it is the default mode. For her it comes from a feeling of powerlessness coupled with a refusal to just say 'fuck this job.' Sometimes I admire her stick-tuitiveness, sometimes I think she's crazy not to leave. When do we know it's time to go?
There is this Jincy Willet short story called "Dear Betty." You have to read it.
That is a great fucking story. all those stories blow my mind.
They are keeping me from reading "Fraction of the Whole" currently.
I think Big Dan would like them just about as much as he'd liked anything ever.
That reminds me. I still need to give you my copy of Austerlitz. that book will blow your mind apart. You'll devote like 3 blogs to talking about it. And it has pictures too.
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