Claudio is the co-proprietor of the D.O.C. wine and good-times empire. When D.O.C. Wine Bar opened lo these many years past, we took to the cozy confines and generous spirit with a deep thirst and healthy hunger. It became something of our bust-up place in time however, and at one point or another I realized they thought we were crazy. A year or two ago, Diego and Rosanna and Claudio opened the D.O.C. affiliated wine shop a block down from our apartment. It was a realignment of sorts, all old jitters put aside. Before Claudio's place, we used to buy our wine in a pinch from the liquor shop around the corner across from Joe's pizza joint. I'd walk in there with our chihuahua in arm and the wife of the big Puerto Rican who owned the place would get super excited. Eventually she bought a chihuahua too, and was proud to show her off to me when I'd come in. We don't get wine there anymore. Diego and Claudio take care of us now. The other day I was in the pharmacy getting some supplies and the Puerto Rican wine lady was behind the counter. She was happy to see me, we chatted, but I could tell she felt awkward. Times must be tough over at the old liquor store.
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