Williamsburg Bridge, Brooklyn Side

I get mad at that car there. I don't honk, because honking is lame but I am really mad at that car. I'll swear at it, say a few choice words. No honking. Usually. It's probably the red light three streets away. Or the driver of the car couldn't read the address correctly. Or just got laid off work. Or is ninety years old. Or has fighting children in the back seat. Or is plain stupid. Any which way, I curse that tail light like it's a blight on the face of this paved earth.


kelvin freely said...

Corner of Bellevue Way and Main Street you said you hated it when people stopped at a light in the right lane but were heading straight. You were going to turn right. you had to wait. You said you hated it . . . unless it was you.

I always thought that was funny.

Toddy said...

I remember that.