Morning Sun and Black Lock, Elizabeth & Spring Manhattan

Karaoke fills these halls. Kevin talks about Alex singing Mustang Sally. Sara buys a karaoke machine to take to Pakistan. I remember singing karaoke at the Bear Bar on Elizabeth into the wee hours. Jack would jump in on every song. I always made a point to sing Ne Me Quitte Pas. Kevin divulged yesterday which song fits his voice best, that one he always sings. Of course I have forgotten it by today. Ne Me Quitte Pas is the one that fits mine. Marina introduced me to Nina Simone when we got married. I heard it from her first so that's the version I try to emulate. I hope I look as sweaty as Jacques Brel when I sing it though.

1 comment:

kelvin freely said...

I visited the grave of Jacques Brel in Hiva Oa back in 2006. I felt kind of dumb because I didn't know anything about him until after I'd seen his grave. I immediately liked him when I saw that he owned his own plane and had named it Jojo.

Now I like his music. But I wish I'd liked his music before. Would have made the experience a little cooler.

This is the first time I've ever heard anyone mention Jacques Brel since that journey.