Bowery & Spring, Manhattan

Ryan wondered this morning why everyone loses their shit when things get tough. That's a pretty fair question. I posited that it all rests on the pronunciation of words, the minute stressing of accent, inflection of vowels. So really it all comes down to breath. Everyone laughed. Ha! Funny!


Joel Byron Barker said...

For some, breath. For some, the lose shit/maintain shit (an uncomfortable but funny opposition) entails convoluted intellectual proofs. I was not maintaining my shit until I disconnected my own activities from the larger shit. Now my shit is my own (in my mind) and I find it easier to keep it controlled.

Toddy said...

I left my shit somewhere, I can't remember where. But it still knows my phone number, my email address and my favorite haunts. It harangues me from afar. Which feels exactly like a harangue from near. My shit is haranguing me constantly, is what I mean to say.

scs said...

Actually I am much more likely to lose my shit when things are easy and going well. Which means that I am very comfortable with the state of affairs these days.