There was this Australian kid I went to Catholic school with. He was such a nice guy and his father reminded me of my Norwegian uncle Jan so I was pretty excited he picked me to be his friend. I was outside Sturtevant's one morning waiting for them to swing by to go snowboarding. I must have waited for about 15 minutes or so. When I got in the car, my friend's dad asked me if I had been waiting long and politely I answered "no." There was this kind of awkward silence for a good minute when my friend leaned over and said "In Australia you are supposed to say yes."
I met Angus last year when he started working at the office. Just knowing there was an Aussie in the place forced me to lighten up a bit. You just can't be too full of yourself when a 'roo is around.
Seeing that blog makes me blush. God do I feel silly having called him Jackie the whole night. Tell him I'm sorry.
But that thing about waiting a long time is fantastic. I think that's my favorite blog of yours in a long time.
I think you were calling him 'Magnus' or something like that. Angus and I thought you were just joking around. I think he was pretty impressed with how crazy you are.
Jackie is my go-to wrong name.
Ic an appreciate that he was impressed with my craziness, but mostly I just feel a little awkward about the whole night.
It goes right into your theory of people and awkwardness.
Basically some core element comes out when the muscles are drugged and I don't like it. But I don't have much of a solution. Other than to surround myself with caring, forgiving people who can intuitively gauge opportunity costs and the longterm positive rise over run of my erratic nature.
humor goes a long way. But when you get diminishing returns on your humor, that's when you know you're in trouble . . . that could be one of my biggest and deepest fears. jeez, that's depressing.
luckily I'm not anywhere near that bottomless pit.
I'd also like to add this:
ha ha
(eyes dart back and forth)
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