I am constantly chagrined by the shear lack of journalistic quality that comes out of television network and cable news sources. Fluff and polemic, incomplete and shallow: ABC News, CNN, Fox and the rest are laughable.
The only place on television I find the news to make a concerted stab at objectivity and the journalistic integrity to delve deeply into a wide range of political subjects is the News Hour on PBS.
Sometimes, I imagine the frightening world we could live in if right-wing ideology has its way: a world without PBS, NPR, or the BBC. No more public news: only private, commercial outlets. This is the world many rabidly desire.
Its always amazing to me that there is such naked hostility to factual journalism (or at least the honest attempt) by the conservative core.
I keep thinking that the obviousness of their attempts at keeping people in the dark would just blow up in their face. But nothing ever happens. People keep switching on vapid news casts and cheering the demagogues and fleece pullers.
Don't they get that real news works in the righties favour sometimes too?
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