My memory doesn't serve me on this one. Some hardnosed detective work would inevitably point out the longer hair on one, the shorter hair on the other. The Marcy Projects in the background. The T-Shirt with Bella Caroli printed on the front. Yeah I guess we could place this one at least in some sort of continuum. We were probably drinking Planter's Punch. That may have been the Planter's Punch year.
i like this one & the one before, but i wanna see one of me.
btw - got some great pix in carlsbad.
they're on their way.
also - went out w/ lesbie who isn't tonight plus her college friend. we had some drinks. they smoked some pot. i attribute my non-pot-smoking persona to my parents peyote
but also to . . . my boring sense of pragmatisim. did they really have more fun then me?
i had a blast.
also, the college friend's name is silas. so so coo.
the last time i met a silas he was my mover from ny. and he had balls.
who is lesbie who isn't?
is that the question on everybody's lips right now?
its on mine.
I can't just post a photo of you unless I randomly pick it from the bin sister. Sorry, rules are rules.
And they had a better time than you.
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