Josh and Some Guy

I employed my wife to randomly pick this one. Some night close to the end of 1998 at Katherine Kelly's apartment for a dinner party. All of the invitees were hip, young San Fancisco smarties and I remember a very particular feeling of being not as "with it." Katherine's apartment was a railroad number right off an alley behind a public park and pool located on Valencia and 18th or something like that. Josh and I used to play basketball at the park all the time. Sometmes I would swim in the pool because it was an outdoor kind and never heated.
My wife remembers that Katherine cooked spinach. We probably brought cheap wine from Trader Joes.
I haven't been back to San Francisco much less talked to any of these people since I left seven years ago.

1 comment:

Octopus Grigori said...

I hope the hip, young SF smarties did not all become dot com billionaires. That would be unbearable.

Maybe they went on to mid-level literary fame?

Or maybe law school.