I love dogs. I don't know the dog in the picture. Sometimes I snap shots of stranger's dogs.
The first dog I knew was Suzie, a little mongrel of a black poodle. She was blind, deaf and was covered in all these gross bumps and carbunkles. She whined incessantly. She was wandering the desert in Arizona, half starved and feisty when my family found her and nursed her back to relative health. I used to give Suzie a real hard time. Not physically or anything, I just didn't like her. My mom would stick up for her, reminding me that at one point Suzie was a good dog.
Bulldogs are the dope. POINT BLANK.
I freaking hate dogs, but I would make a bulldog my bitch in a New York minute.
Hey, what was the name of tha big white dog your folk's used to have? That dog was big. And he seemed pretty over it half the time.
That dog was KUVA THE DESTROYER. Just KUVA if you didn'y happen to like cheeseball Conan movies.
The big white doggie had personality. But those white hairs were the worst. They were on everything. Every time I went back to visit, I would ultimately go into a hacking fit and cough up one of those hairs. To this day, i don't know how they would get on the back of my throat.
Shoot, once, I had to go for a physical and the doctor had to check my jewels. I looked down in horror and saw one of those damned white hairs mixed with my pubes. If that doctor was worth her ilk, she woulda known that it was an animal hair and failed my physical on the spot.
That dog needs an AGENT!
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