In Summerland, I lived on the top of a hill overlooking the ocean. I took these two pictures one after another on the porch of that house. At the time Kris was working as a substitute teacher and doing triathalons. I wanted badly to be a substitute teacher and do triathalons just like him. It seemed like a great lifestyle.
Kris looks very Rutger Hauer circa Bladerunner in these shots.
thanks OG, I like that guy. I think I look like more like the murdering albino in The Davinci Code.
I think it is funny you were able to conjure so many emotions in such a short time. I think I must have snapped those two photos nearly right after each other since they are back to back int eh negs and are both on that porch. I wonder what we were talking about.
I licked youir bloggs they smell nice and pictures bueno.
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