Morning Coffee and the New York Post

All that was left of the scene when I stepped out to get my wife a capuccino this morning was a pair of flat, beige women's shoes, a few discarded royal blue heavy latex gloves, a contractor's dump truck parked in the middle of the street and bits of human fleshy detritus lingering about a good-sized pool of bright red blood which had seeped out a bit like strands of a web into the surrounding cracks in the pavement. The shoes were a sort of mule, flat soled with a kind of fake braid in the front and heel straps in the back, the heel strap on the right shoe broken near the side buckle. The sort of shoe I would imagine an older Puerto Rican or Polish woman with heavy ankles and a broad skirt might have bought at a Payless. The Hasids huddled in little groups mumbling, the Puerto Ricans in looser packs, speaking in loud, slurred Spanish making Gareth-like hand gesticulations, Police detectives inspecting the axles.
There are so many obvious things to question at a moment like that. Perhaps the most obvious being the most obvious: why did they leave her shoes?


Octopus Grigori said...

You read the New York Post?

Toddy said...

Oh yeah.
Great stuff.
I get the thrill of supporting evil in 25¢ installments.

Octopus Grigori said...

At least they have good Mets coverage.

Toddy said...

Daily News is much better for that even.
The post is all about Page SIx and the chance to do my part to make a less intelligent populace.