Nothing Doing

This morning, this hot, hot morning, I put on the same shirt I wore yesterday.
Hot, hot yesterday. I didn't think much of it. I just put it on.
Yesterday was really hot. So hot my wife just had to nap the afternoon away.
I went over to Mathieu Lusk's place and he made me a hot dog and fed me a beer and we listened to music and talked about some projects.
This morning I got up and put on another shirt. A faded green button up number that is great for hot days. Unfortunately it has a couple of recurring rips in the shoulder that just don't seem to go away. I get them fixed and a week later those seams split again.
So I put that shirt on the back of a chair and reached for the shirt I wore yesterday.
Yesterday was hot, and this shirt I reached for is currently my favorite shirt.
Its faded greyish white and has some sort of cryptic super faded silk screen on the front.
I usually don't go in for shirts with stuff on them, I like the plain shirts, maybe that's why I like this shirt so much, it has something on it, its cryptic, you can't really see it, and I like that.
It was super really hot yesterday.
I wore this shirt yesterday and I put it on this morning and didn't give it a second thought.
I rode my bike into work and it is already scorching out there.
I mean, its really scorching. Its supposed to get up to 105 degrees or something like that.
Yesterday was hot, but today, today is going to be a scorcher.
I ride a pretty easy going bike, so I didn't get too worked up on my ride in.
My dog was in my bag since I don't want to leave her in a hot apartment on such a stinking scorching day.
My office is really well air-conditioned.
Most of the time too well, as it gets pretty chilly in here. But today it feels like an Antarctic oasis and that's nice.
I sit down at my computer to start working on something that I need to get done pretty soon.
I wore this shirt yesterday.


Toddy said...

One of the best Blogs I have read is to be found on Mitzi Dodge's blog under today's date. Just look at the opening photo, then read into the subsequent turmoil of a life lived.

I need a swift kick in the pants is what I need.

Toddy said...

(Ahem) I also mean for this "greatest blog" rant to cover yesterday's posting as well. I guess I didn't notice the separating date at first... too engrossed.

Anna E. Bush said...

And the anti-climax is . . . ?

DEMMON said...

Fak guy,
You used to be buff.

I would go shirtless if I was you.

Toddy said...

Nah, I'm all wimpy now.
Super wimp.
So terribly wimpy.
Ask Casson, I am like a feather stick jelly bean.

DEMMON said...

Skinny is the way to be.
Rail thin is dope IMHO. I'll never have the rail thin zombie look, but I'll never be one of those tugers sweating on the side of the road either.
Being a skinnyboy is better than having a chest that looks like a wet blanket. There is a lot of that going around these parts these days.