This morning on Lafayette Street I walked past two Puerto Ricans throwing empty Poland Spring water bottles at an injured rat. The rat was hopping up and down in this kind of gimpy, hurt way, unable to actually move more than a few centimeters at a time. These two Puerto Rican guys were smoking brown cigarettes and laughing and speaking in that special brand of loud, unintelligible Baricuan Spanglish. They were probably six or seven feet from the rat, keeping their distance, picking up these old plastic bottles, throwing them, missing and then jumping in to get their spent shell and jumping away again as if the rat might suddenly turn into a tiger or a poisonous snake.
Last night at dinner, the Chinese waitress at the sushi shop put the bottle of beer in my hand. She didn't put it on the table, or pour it into my cup, she placed it in my left hand, reaching across my plate of food to do so.
Rat abuse is wrong.
The karmic wheel will turn for those bastards.
furthermore, are you saying that the waitress wanted a "piece of you"? or that she just hadn't read the manual on proper suds serving?
And when I first read this thing, I thought it said "The other face of Solo" and I thought I was in for some new Star Wars trivia.
This will be my last piece of spam in this thread unless you address the previous three posts.
I lied. I can't help the spammage. Or is this sporkage?
Is Spork an urban myth? I have heard a bazillion tell me that Spork actually exists. I have only seen Spam however.
Spam is sooo cruel. There has to be some other way. Actually SPAM is tasty but very processed and I am staying away from processed foods after watching some documentary.
That story about the rat is pretty sad. I have put rodents out of their misery before. That wasn't fun.
I wish the waitress had taken your chin pulled back your head and bottle fed you like a little calf, or a sophmore in Cabo. Goleta!!!
Casson, did you finally watch Future of Food like I told you? Everybody: watch The Future of Food. It rocks. In a very science-y, agribusiness kind of way. I'm glad you've given up spam, cd.
Feeding him like a calf is some funny spam, I mean stuff, mang.
Holy shit.
This whole spam thing is over the top.
At least I get to see Frankenstein on my blog over and over.
I love Frankenstein.
yeah, I just thought it was funny that she put the beer in my hand.
It was out of the blue.
I hadn't thought of the animal husbandry or erotic side of it really.
And I don't know if what those guys were doing to that rat was all that wrong, I mean, they couldn't hit it for shit and it was a rat and all.
Although Jeremy has a little white rat named Branca that he just had operated on because it had a tumor.
And I like that rat.
Wait, where was I?
Oh yeah, spamming is for the birds.
How do I put word verification on?
My site already has this trash, AND on top of that comes the moderation shtuff, mang.
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