For a long time I didn't know Jack very well. It seems like years now. Then, one day, there we are, sitting around on a beach drinking cases of Trader Joe's beer in a can back when Trader Joe's had their own brand of beer in a can. One of us came up with the bright idea of going into our college library and commandeering one of the side study rooms to study naked in. We purposefully didn't lock the door since that would have been way too weird and seeing that we were attending a pretty right-wingy fundamentalist Christian college at the time, this was risky business and we knew it. One night one of the prettier girls on campus walks through the door and there Jack and I are, buck naked. He was probably studying physics or math and I was probably pretending to study philosophy but really just zoning out. This pretty girl doesn't bat an eye and just sits down and starts studying with a little smirk on her face. A couple of weeks later I find out that she and Jack have become an item and I am kind of jealous and a little puzzled since between the two of us I was sure I had the more attractive physique. But that's Jack, getting the girl with that little twerpy body of his.
Are you talking about Amy Little?
I used to simply ask girls out for a cup of coffee.
But hey, the "raw library" move sounds like it worked for at least one of you.
Did you guys streak to the library? Or did you leave your clothes in piles under your table or what?
I never drank coffee in college.
piles under the table.
streaking to the library was more of a late night dare thing.
My favorite night in the library was when Ryan and I finished off a bottle of Wild Turkey with Joel Gunderson and then we all slept in one of those study carrels. For being a small place, that library was a pretty good time.
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