Daily Inspiration

As I sped over the Williamsburg Bridge in a mad dash to get to work on time this morning I passed by an extremely fit-looking woman without legs below the knees running in perfectly composed stride on what looked like two large, black, plastic spatulas that bounced her forward with uncanny ease and grace.


Kris said...

The fact that you thought of spatulas is interesting. Because I knew right away what you were talking about.

Toddy said...

I was thinking about it and I would like to become super good friends with that woman. Good enough so that if she were ever to come over for brunch I could say " Jeez, what happened to all my spatulas? Hey Maureen, can I borrow one of yours?" and have it be this big funny joke that is tasteless in the least offensive possible way. Then I would say "Hey Mo, wanna race me to the bodega?" and we would run and giggle all the way to get our 40s of Bud Lite.

benji said...

Bud Lite?!
what happened to King Cobra!?
