There is Always a Men's Section to Observe From

If you are in New York, and you haven't been to a high-end fashion sample sale, you are missing out on something as magnificent and spectacular as the Empire State Building or the Coney Island Freak Show.
If you are planning on coming out to New York, plan it around a prominent sample sale and witness something so special and intimately New York, that you will forever be tattoo'd with the glittery beauty of this city.
If you live here and can understand the scenario, imagine walking down the street in Soho on a sunny and warm May afternoon. Look around you. See all the beautiful fashionistas in flippy dresses? The low end fashion models in Manolo pumps? The pretty ad executives in their short power skirts? Do you notice how they will not meet your eyes? Do you see their dismissive glances? "Puh! You are not worthy to be walking the streets of my fair Nolita with the beautiful people." This is what they are thinking and this, most likely, is the truth.
Now imagine these same females, locked in harrowing battle, bumping and scratching, yelling and swatting, squeezed into small spaces between metal racks and cardboard boxes, teaming like rats and knicking each other with razor teeth. Now imagine these same upright, decent women wearing only thong underwear, and sometimes not even that. Now imagine that while you are watching they look up at you, half naked, stare straight into your eyes and lunge past you for that cashmere sweater you did not know you were standing in front of. Imagine the kind of marvelous hysteria that must be present for a woman of such dignity and propriety to look right at you, slovenly hipster male, in the near fullness of her blooming body, and not care a whit. The kind of blissful insanity which must grip this member of the fairer sex who normally might call the cops on you for simply opening a door for her. Then watch in awe and glee as she turns, shining you mightily with her tanned bottom to scream at yet another barely dressed and equally hysterical patron: "Get away from that! I put it there and its MINE!" Gawk at the melee. Wonder at the clothing lust.
Know, sweet friend, that you are in New York.
Know, dear compatriot, that you have witnessed some special thing.

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