Two Pair, Four

On Friday evening I attended an industry awards party for all of 15 minutes. While there, I drank a Budweiser, passing over three other well-known beers on the cocktail waitress' tray. I mingled for a moment, noticed more than a few people I have spoken with before but have since forgotten their name and why I ever talked to them.
The place was too crowded and the breath was bad and the schmooze was on and I was uncomfortable.
So I left, went home and watched a $5 street copy DVD of "V for Vendetta" with my wife. I can't recommend "V for Vendetta" unless viewed as a cheap DVD made from someone carrying in a camcorder into the movie theater and shooting a long shaky video complete with coughs, bad, echo-y sound and people getting up to go to the restroom. I say this not because the movie is bad, I don't think it was that bad, it was entertaining in many ways, but because I can't imagine the bullshit that probably comes on the official DVD as extras. Director's commentary, samples of the comic book, behind the scenes crud, exclusive interviews with the artists. Just seeing that stuff would make me want to puke in my mouth. Besides, sometimes its really fun to watch a mediocre film like this in such a cheap way. It actually makes the movie experience a little better.
Getting back to the title of the blog...
Before the party I was supposed to meet a friend on the corner and she was late. Or I was early. It doesn't matter.
I stopped into a couple of the swank shops in that part of town and looked at some swank clothes and tried to look wealthy enough to shop in those places.
In one of the shops I found a pair of white British naval sneakers, or so they were calling them, and had a moment of shoe desire akin to what I can only assume is the accumulative depth of feeling thousands of women have on a nearly daily basis walking by shoe stores all over town.
Usually I try to shun urges of this sort except in only the most select of company since these urges make me feel girly.
The select company being present and my manhood being established with a bun in the oven, I put the last two remaining pair on hold.

I bought two pair of identical shoes today. They were not expensive, but two times any sum is more than only one times that same sum. Simple mathematics.
What really gets me is not the money though.
But I guess I already said that.


DEMMON said...

I D/Led V for Vendetta, but then I slipped up and watched that mediocrity in the theatre with a homie. I want my cash back. I am glad that you did the street DVD move. Comic book movies tend to suck. SIN CITY was art though. So was H.O.V.. But there will always be some crap like X3 where they hire mah-fakkin FRASIER to be BEAST.

I am also glad you are getting down on the shoe front.

benji said...

i also recommend SPAWN as a $5 DVD off the street pick up. After you pick it up, simply douse it in gasoline and burn it, BURN IT..what an atrocious movie. Spaz was good in it though.

i always find it hard to purchase anything for myself unless it's like a surfboard or kong hands.

ps. damn you for moving me to the bottom of your link list.

Casson said...

Those industry parties are atrocious. That’s what I've been told, I've only been to the fake ones at Moving Images where its friends of the assistant and all the Long Island relatives Tony could get the receptionist to call.

And whats up with word verification for comments? OK-OH is turning into Britain in 2050. I think I'll shave my head.

benji said...

word verification "sfnai"

definition: (noun)Gargamel's ritual of cooking smurfs.

Sentence use:

As Gargamel slowly lower Papa Smurf into the boiling cauldron of water, Brainy Smurf turned his head as the "sfnai" began...

Toddy said...

Oh man, that Smurf thing is great.
Thats the kind of gold we are mining for here.

If I don't have word verification on, then spam shows up in the comments sections. While it might actullay make it seem as if more people read this thing than actually do on cursory glance, spam does in fact blow.

At least I am not some neo-fascist making sure every comment posted is nice and acceptable to my gentle palate before allowing it to be posted.

Frickin Fascist Casson.




Toddy said...

Have you read Peter's blog about the accident?

That guy's shit just gets me everytime.

To read Peter's blog you have to click on the link to Casson's blog then click on the link to Peter's blog.

After SCS shut down her blabbering about Boston a while ago, I have been hooked on Peter's words.

Oh, yeah, you could conceivably stop and read Casson's blog on the way. But I am going to warn you not to comment. Casson is a fascist.

benji said...

word verification: ojwogkkv

definition: (verb) giving up something cool, for something awesome

Use in a sentence:

I totally "ojwogkkv"ed casson for Peter.

DEMMON said...

ZOMG, I got some props up in this piece.

back to Marvel movies.

Old Dolph Punisher>>>New Metro-sexual Punisher


I would recommend the Benji SPAWN DVD move for the Daredevil/Elektra double pack.

DEMMON said...

Someone tell me how to get word verification on. Yo soy mucho retardo. That way I can step away from my fascist comment monitoring. There are rumors of porn sites attempting to link to Demmon pages, and I ain't down with the titty show, yo.